All One Body

Voices in the CRC

Resources from the CRC

The time has come to shift the conversation about LGBTQ+ individuals in the Christian Reformed Church. Within the CRC and the broader Christian church, the assault on queer people in the name of religion must stop.
- Tom Hoeksema

2021 Human Sexuality Report

Check out the Human Sexuality Report and our Video Response Library

The Hoeksema Series

A series of reflections ​on LGBTQ+ matters

Classis GR East Report

Current Biblical and theological support for same-sex marriage

CRC Position Statement

Established by the Synod of 1973 and affirmed by several subsequent synods

2002 Synodical Report

Report to the Synod of 2002 from the study committee appointed in 1996

1973/1999 Synodical Reports

Booklet: Pastoral Care ​for Homosexual Members